H-1B Options for Beneficiaries with the Three-Year Bachelor’s Degree

 For nearly the past decade, H-1B beneficiaries who earned their degree outside of the United States in an educational system with a three-year bachelor’s degree program have run into trouble.  Those holding Indian three-year bachelor’s degrees are hit the hardest and most consistently.

Even though there are equal if not more classroom contact hours in an Indian three-year degree as a US four-year bachelor degree, USCIS adjudication is hung up on the missing fourth year of college.  If you, or if your employee or client is in this situation, the answer is a work experience conversion.

Here’s how it works:

Three years of progressive work experience can be converted into one year of college credit by a professor authorized to grant college credit for work experience.  Progressive work experience means the beneficiary can clearly show that education occurred on the job as evidence by promotions, having taken on increasingly complex duties and responsibilities, and that the nature of the work became increasingly specialized over the course of employment.  This conversion occurs in the context of a credential evaluation that clearly shows the academic value of the beneficiary’s education in terms of US academic standards.

At CCI TheDegreePeople.com we work with professors authorized to make this work experience conversion.  Each credential evaluation is written uniquely by our international education experts, taking the job, the education, the work experience, the visa, and USCIS approval trends into account.  This is what we do best, and we have seen overwhelming success with the approval strategy in both initial petitions and in answering education RFEs.

For a free review of your case visit www.ccifree.com.  We will respond in 4 hours or less.

Sheila Danzig

Sheila Danzig is the director of CCI TheDegreePeople.com.  Sheila specializes in overturning RFEs and Denials for work visas.


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